Saturday 21 December 2013


After a 33 year restororation, Ryan STM-S2 ZK-ABC, serial number 492, took to the air over Hamilton back on 16 September this year.

The following is extracted from the Wings Over NZ forum:
After a 33 year 'restoration' Ryan STM-S2 Serial No 492, ZK-ABC "Charlie" takes to the air again. Restorer and owner Noel Kruse at the controls.

Charlie served with the Netherlands East Indies Naval Air Service in Java in 1941, as S-56, and was evacuated to Australia when Japanese forces occupied the island. From 1942 to 1945 Charlie served with the Royal Australian Air Force as A50-29. Demobilised in 1946 Charlie flew with a number of Aero Clubs and private owners as VH-AHC, until he was 'retired' in 1977. In 1980 Charlie was found in a hay shed in Jerilderie NSW by Noel Kruse who started the long process of returning Charlie to flight. In 2006 Charlie and Noel moved to live in New Zealand and on 16 September 2013, 36 years since he last flew and 33 years since Noel found him, Charlie took to the air again as a genuine 'Warbird' with the New Zealand registration ZK-ABC

Ykato was in the right place at the right time earlier this week to get this bright and shiny machine on the move at Hamilton:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful aeroplane, but not an STM-S2 as mentioned, but an STM-2.

    I own a rare STM-S2 serial number 458, under complete restoration.

  3. Good morning tennerfest.
    My understanding is that c/ns 447 to 494 were built with fittings for floats and that c/n 492 (now ZK-ABC) was completed with wheels.
    So technically it is an STM-S2 even if it never flew on floats.
    How say you ?

    Will 458 be going onto the "G-" register ?


  4. Hello, no it's staying on the N reg, actually I tried to get it on the 2 reg as it will be based in Guernsey, but they won't register vintage aircraft.

    I have a lot of documentation on the Ryan history, and according to my sources, 48 aircraft were ordered by the Dutch Navy, serial numbers 447 to 494, but only the first 12 we're S2 versions, (447 - 458).

    Do you have any float controls in he aicraft?

    Shame your video was taken down by Disney for some reason, it was awesome. Mine should be in the air by end of Feb. Huge amount of work, but will be worth it.


  5. The data plate inside the cockpit of ZK-ABC declares it to be an STM-S2 and I guess the manufacture knew what he was making.

  6. I guess that's the case, although I'm not aware of any data plates in the Ryan, so I'd love to see it. Must be pretty rare. Maybe you could post a photo.
