Mark Biddle flew across to Mata from Dargaville yesterday in his Neil Hintz Tandem Dominator ZK-RCE2:
NZ Civil Aircraft
A blog on New Zealand Civil Aircraft.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Tandem Dominator ZK-RCE/2 at Mata on 8-2-2025
Ashburton Sport Aircraft Association fly in yesterday 08-02-2025
Thruster T500 ZK-RIR at Ashburton
Exactly a year later it was over the hill with the Canterbury Recreational Aircraft Club at Rangiora.
Sometime in 2001 it had an engine failure on take off but was repaired and by 28-08-2002 it was Sam Orchard of Seddon, replacing his on sold Bantam ZK-FPQ.
A move to the deep south to Craig and Eric Moncur of Invercargill took effect from 20-01-2008 followed by a change to just Craig Moncur on 21-08-2008.
In July last year Fiona McLoy of Geraldine acquired it to replace her Thruster Gemini ZK-FME.
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Shark ZK-SAS/2 at Mata Today 8-2-2025
The Northern Aviators Club held their annual flyin today at Leo Johns' airstrip at Mata. The conditions were great with the wind right down the strip, and the BBQ wasn't too bad either. Seventeen aircraft flew in to join Leo's Cherokee ZK-EQX in the field that Leo opens up beside the strip for aircraft parking.
A first time visitor to Mata, Bruce Stevenson flew his Shark Aero Shark 600 ZK-SAS2 up from Kaipara Flats. I took this photo from David Signal's Foxbat ZK-SGI as we were both about to depart to return to NZKF. Of course Bruce beat us back!Thursday, 6 February 2025
Gareth's Southern Odyssey (2)
Not far down from Mt Cook airport along SH 80 and SH 8 is Twizel where Gareth Arscott came across another Inflite Pilatus Turbo Porter - ZK-MCT:
This is the Turbo Porter that has recently undergone a major overhaul by Inflite at North Shore (see: ).Cessna 172 update - ZK-EOX and ZK-CTY
It was registered to Dalhoff & King Aviation Ltd at Ardmore on 04-02-1980 and official joined Associated Aviation (Motueka) Ltd of Motueka on 14-08-1980.
This changed to Associated Aviation (Wellington) Ltd from 04-12-1996 and then to the Ardmore Flying School Ltd at Ardmore on 17-04-1997.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Beech 95 -B55 Baron VH-XCV
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
Gareth's Southern Odyssey (1)
I met Gareth Arscott and his wife at Kaipara Flats airfield last year, when they popped in to see some flying that was going on. Gareth is a very keen aircraft photographer who mainly posts on Flicker, and I introduced him to the NZ Civair blog. From Auckland Gareth and his wife flew to Queenstown and then proceeded to visit many aerodromes in the South:
Hercules farewell over Christchurch 04-02-2025
Sunday, 2 February 2025
A Few More from GMC Taupiri on 1-2-2025
Here are a few more aircraft that were among the 28 or so at Martin Henton's GMC airstrip at Taupiri yesterday: