Sunday, 22 December 2013

Rescue Helicopters at Wellington

I was in Wellington last week. Not much to see aircraft-wise, but I did photo these 2 rescue helicopters.

The Otago rescue helicopter, BK-117B2 ZK-IME was parked on a trolley.  It was first registered on 12/10/08 and is owned by Helicopters Otago Ltd..

While the local BK-117B2 Westpac rescue helicopter ZK-HLF powered down.  This machine is owned by Helilink of Auckland and was originally registered ZK-HZJ on 23/11/95, and its registration changed on 5/8/03.

I will post more of my travels North shortly.


  1. Don't know about this occasion but has been seen previously operate in place of the palmerston north rescue helicopter.

  2. sorry i was referring to ZK-IME

  3. Thanks for the suggestion Simon. I wondered what ZK-IME was doing there. The date was Thursday 19 December.

  4. IME gets around - it was in Queenstown on the 13th of December
