Sunday 12 April 2020

We Will Come Out the Other Side!

There is a New Zealand link to this photo that I got as a screen shot, of Mikael Carlson flying his rotary engined Thulin A/Bleriot XI replica at Hahnweide in 2016:

The link is that this could be the machine that he flew at Warbirds Over Wanaka in 2000.  Today it should have been the WOW 2020 airshow but that is sadly not to be.  There are some photos of Mikael flying his Thulin A at WOW 2000 at:

And if you would like to see a video of the Hahnweide flight the link is HERE

Stay safe everyone.


  1. Hi, how do you contact the owner of this blog?

    1. Alexander - have a look at the blog header photo and there is an email address there

  2. That was a nice pick up. Thank you.
