Wednesday 2 May 2012

Pazmany PL 4A's of New Zealand

The next type of single seat homebuilt aircraft in New Zealand was the Pazmany PL 4A of which we have had only one example to date.

The Pazmany PL 4A was designed by Ladislao Pazmany as an all metal VW powered aircraft suitable for homebuilding.  It had a T tail to allow the wings to fold alongside the fuselage. Its first flight was in 1972 and it won "Outstanding New Design" in that year at the EAA convention at Oshkosh.

It has a wingspan of 26 feet 8 inches (8.13 metres) and is 16 feet 7 inches long (5.04 metres).  Its empty weight is 578 pounds (262 Kg) and MAUW is 850 pounds (385 Kg).  It has a stall speed of 46 mph and a maximum speed of 125 mph.

The photo is from the Keith Morris collection.

ZK-PLF (c/n AACA/359) was built by Colin Faulkner of Dunedin and was first registered on 18/12/81. It was then owned by Colin Faulkner and Julian Kramer from 7/4/86 and then by Julian Kramer from 9/7/86.  He sold it to R W Wootton of Levin on 8/11/96, where it is still current.

 The above photo of ZK-PLF was taken at the 1983 AACA flyin at Paraparaumu.

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