Monday 30 March 2020

Glide Omarama to Soar Again

Earlier in March I posted that Glide Omarama had ceased operations - see

However there has been a good outcome with the following update posted by Glide Omarama on Facebook:
Glide Omarama is now shuttered down and isolated and the unfortunate glitch with CAA is behind us. The plan is that towing and training services at Omarama will reopen in September, subject of course to lockdowns and a degree of economic recovery.
Luckily Glide Om has no debt so the business can survive a long period of inactivity provided we still have some instructors and tow pilots available.
In the meantime, all the best to our friends and gliding community in these difficult times. We hope to see many of you again at Omarama next season! Thank you for your support. Please follow us on Facebook for updates.

Now all they need is the tourists....

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