North American NA78 Harvard 3*
ZK-XSA c/n 78-6647 is now located in its own hangar at Rangiora following a move from its short term stay at Christchurch International and its longer term at Forest Field [NZFF] before that.
Built for the USAAF as a AT-6A it was allocated the military serial of 41-16269 and was briefly listed on the US civil register as NC57209 to a Sidney Smith of Santa Ana in California before becoming 7660 with the South African Air Force. It arrived at Ardmore on 07-10-1996 to be registered to the Graham Orphan and John Kelly Syndicate of Blenheim on 21-11-1996. Its first flight in NZ was the following day at Ardmore. It was relisted to the Harvard 7660 Syndicate of Rangiora on 22-03-1998.
It occupies the hangar previously used by the Piper PA-46-310P N9099Z c/n 46-08007 which has migrated to Nelson.
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