One of the main reasons I went to Wings Over Wairarpa was to see The Vintage Aviator's SE5A's. These aircraft have been manufactured as if they were the latest SE5A's off the production line - only around 90 years after the last ones! They are constructed in faithful detail down to an amazing degree, including being covered with Irish linen and having remanufactured original Hispano-Suiza engines. There is great detail on these machines on The Vintage Aviator website
www.thevintageaviator.co.nz These are truly amazing machines. They were manufactured in The Vintage Aviator factory in Kilbirnie, Wellington, then finished off in their facilities in the old Air Contracts hangar at Masterton. The Vintage Aviator also have a large new hangar at Masterton which is full of really exotic aircraft.
Unfortunately the weather on the Saturday of the airshow was too windy for them to fly, although I believe they did fly on the Sunday.
Obviously, having authentic WW1 colour schemes they do not have registrations painted on. The top photo is of F5690 ZK-SEV which was first registered on 22/3/07, but I am not sure of the other two: ZK-SES first registered on 13/12/07 and ZK-SEO registered on 12/5/08. Can anyone positively identify which is which?
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