Friday 30 January 2009

Destroyed by fire. ZK-EBW.

Piper PA-28-161 Warrior III ZK-EBW2 (c/n 2842165) of the Canterbury Aero Club was destroyed by fire late this morning in an incident at Kaitorete Spit (perhaps better known as Birdlings Flat) Lake Ellesmere. The two occupants received only minor injuries when the aircraft was thought to have struck something during a landing on the airstrip there.

Wire strike ??


  1. on the news it said wirestrike. guess only the pilots know what happened

  2. Looking at the pic on the google search there appears to be a wire like object draped across the fuselage & wing.

    Last time I landed in the glider there I noted wires.

  3. The press has a better article and video up now, practice forced landing, saw the pole but clipped the wire and then it all went rather pear shaped apparently.
