Wednesday 8 April 2009

Coast Air & ZK-NDY

The new "Coast Air" service is under way with the arrival of their Cessna 404 Titan Ambassador 111 ZK-NDY , c/n 404-0693 , at Westport this morning after a trip across the Southern Alps from Christchurch. I believe that Hokitika was also visited; not sure about Greymouth though. It now carries Coast Air titles on its nose and a Kea apon its tail.


  1. Hi ya Blue Bus, gosh you get around! ZK-NDY flew Ashburton-Christchurch-Westport-Christchurch-Ashburton today (8th). No stops in Hokitika or Greymouth. Its routing to/from Westport was however via overhead Hokitika in both directions due to the high minimum safe altitude on a direct track!
    Did you see how many folk got off/on? I just wonder if this was just a charter flight as their website is still not up and running yet. MRC.

  2. Top of the evening young Mike.
    Came in with three soles aboard - all flight crew !
    Departed with two px for Christchurch.
    I understand that advertising is seriously underway and this was the first fair paying feeler trip; apparently deferred from yesterday due to inclement meteorological condition (tell me about it - I was there - working on that "COW" of a job).
