Wednesday 12 December 2018

SAAANZ Christmas BBQ at North Shore 8-12-2018

The Sport Aircraft Association of NZ (Auckland Branch) held their Christmas BBQ at North Shore airfield on Saturday 8 December (at the same time as the NAC event at Kaipara Flats).  As I was needing to head South to Stratford I called in on my way past to see what was there.

SAAANZ member John Eaton's Canadian Home Rotors Safari helicopter ZK-IJE is flying again, the first time I had seen it outside.

While the globe trotting Eurofox G-GBNZ also called in to the event.  I understand that this aircraft will be put in a container this week and shipped back to the UK.

1 comment:

  1. Great advert for both the Eurofox and the Rotax engines.
