Thursday, 15 April 2010

No more Adventurer 333 Amphibians in NZ

With the cancellation of Adventurer 333 amphibian ZK-WAI on 14 April, New Zealand's population of these amphibians has been reduced to zero. The Adventurer 333 is a big 4 seater amphibian with an empty weight of around 950 Kgs (2100 lbs) and a gross weight of around 1360 Kgs (3000lbs) and typically features a Chevrolet 350 V8 engine of around 330 HP.

Our first Adventurer 333 was ZK-WAI which was first registered to the Newton Syndicate of Whakatane on 8/4/99. I only saw it once when I took this photo of it in the old hangar at Tauranga at the SAANZ flyin in February 2004. It looked rather neglected at that time, and I would guess that it did not clock up many hours. Can anyone add anything else to this story? It was cancelled from the register as revoked on 14/4/10.

Our second (and more successful) Adventurer 333 was Marcus Mewett's ZK-JZZ which was first registered in June 2004. This aircraft performed satisfacttorily and I remember seeing it flying by Takapuna Beach on several test flights. Marcus left New Zealand for Australia and he flew ZK-JZZ to Australia where it is now registrered as VH-AJH. It was cancelled from the New Zealand register in June 2006.

Marcus Mewett is an aircraft engineer who came to New Zealand from Zimbabwe and he bought his Rand KR 2 VP-WUP with him and first registered it as ZK-KRZ on 19/7/93. It is still current and is owned in the Christchurch area.


  1. not excactlly pretty

  2. interesting type....never heard of it before. It is now advertised in Juune 2010 issue of Aviation Trader.
    Also....I now own SUD Horizon that was ZK-CLK in NZ some years ago.
    does anyone have info, fotos or stories about this, or other Horizons in NZ?

  3. I was talked into putting money into this aircraft, Flew to the factory in Arkansas and met Happy Miles owner of the comapny who I can only describe as a conman. It was shipped to NZ and partly assembled in one of my sheds. Shortly after I sold out and thank god I did as I heard it was more a submarine, than an aircraft. In fact I don't think I ever heard of it flying. The test pilot from the float plane company gave it a few goes and after having the shit scared out of him had the sense to give it a miss. I can recall one crashing in the States on the return from an airshow killing 2 on board. To me the aircraft was simply too heavy. Add to that the huge steel V8 it seemed a death trap from the word go. WAI-exactly

  4. True. Happy Miles is a great conman.

  5. In 1997, I was in USA building Adventurer 333. Happy Miles went belly-up due the crash at Fon du Lac. He failed to deliver my parts. I sent him money to ship the aircraft to Malaysia. He never did. Happy is the biggest conman I ever seen


    1. Hello MJA Anonymous from Malaysia. What ever you think about Happy Miles; Conman... business man... he was livin' the dream. Anyway, I know where your plane ended up. The workmanship was top notch!


    2. That great "He was livin' the dream". How many peoples dreams did he destroy.

  6. New owner of Adventurer 333
    VH-AJH as of Jan 2022
    would love to connect with original builder Mr Marcus Mewett if anyone could assist? +61 413339140
