Thursday 16 May 2024

Newly Refurbished Robertson B1-RD ZK-RSN

I was interested to see that Robert McNair recently registered his refurbished Robertson B1-RD microlight ZK-RSN recently, and now David Wilkinson has supplied a photo of it.  David has recently been flying the B1-RD and loving it - no doubt quite a change from his One Design and Pitts!

ZK-RSN (c/n 1S036) was registered to Rob McNair on 23/11/23 and Rob told me that restoring the microlight was a big job as all of the 6061 aluminium had to be replaced due to corrosion and Rob sourced all original tubing from the US.  It is powered by a Rotax 503 engine.  

The original B1-RD was a 2 seater that was registered ZK-STU (MAANZ/283) to Alan Stewart from Taupiri in October 1984 and was registered until May 2001.  Rob has restored it as a single seater.

Thanks to Rob McNair for the information and to David Wilkinson for the photo.

Below - two more recent photos of ZK-RSN from Rob McNair.

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