Thursday 23 May 2024

Kaipara Flats Wings and Wheels (5) - Departures

After an excellent but hugely busy day there were lots of departing aircraft to photograph (these are just the vintage display aircraft - in total we had more than 40 visiting aircraft in addition to the aircraft on display that are based on the airfield):

Cessna Bird Dogs ZK-FYA (which is registered as a Cessna O-1G)

and ZK-DAJ2 (which is registered as a Cessna 305A)

Stearman ZK-RJS2 back to Ardmore

Stan Smith flying his DH Dragon ZK-AXI, back to North Shore

Followed by Michael Bach in the DH Moth Minor ZK-AKM.

Next was David Wilkinson in his Pitts S 1S ZK-MPM, with smoke!

Then Rob Fry in his recently imported Yak 52 ZK-BJK2, still in its Jurgis Kairy's colours.

And last away of this lot was Graeme Woods flying the Beaver ZK-CKH back to Ardmore.

I reckon that is just about all from the Kaipara Flats Wings and Wheels 2024 - a great day!

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