Monday 20 May 2024

Kaipara Flats Wings and Wheels (2) - DH Moth Minor ZK-AKM

Another super rare aircraft that flew up to Kaipara Flats on Sunday with the DH 84 Dragon ZK-AXI was Stan and Gilly Smith's DH 94 Moth Minor ZK-AKM which was flown by Michael Bach.  I don't know how many Moth Minors might be flying worldwide but it would be very small.  And I reckon the chances of seeing a DH Dragon and a DH Moth Minor flying together would be unique in the world.

Another flat approach with no flaps, but there is that huge belly mounted speed brake.

To a three point touchdown.

Taxying back showing the long wingspan (the wings however are foldable for hangarage).

Looking lovely in the Autumn sun.

And Michael taxing ZK-AKM to her display parking spot.

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