Monday 16 November 2020

Black Sands at Te Kowhai - Super Cub ZK-BOX

Among the many arrivals at Te Kowhai on Saturday was this nice looking Cub which could have come straight out of the box:

PA 18A-150 Super Cub ZK-BOX (c/n 18-6243) was first registered in New Zealand way back in January 1958.  I found this information on the Wings Over New Zealand website, posted by Flyernzl:

"Piper PA 18A Super Cub 150 ZK-BOX started life with Wings Fertilizers ltd, Napier, which got folded into Reeves Transport (Air Services) ltd of Hastings.  Sold off to Airspread (Taranaki) Ltd, Stratford in May 1963, it collided with a loader at Inglewood 28 February 67.  Rebuilt by Farmers Aviation Ltd, Hawera it left the ag industry in June 1974 for private owners J F Dixon and R Maas of Fox Glacier.  It wandered around the West Coast for a couple of years (venison recovery?) before moving North in 1979."

It was a surprise to me as I have not seen it before.  It is registered to a Private Owner which does not tell us where it is based, but it is likely to be in the Auckland area.  Without compromising the private owner, can anyone advise any more on this aircraft?

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