Friday 30 December 2022

Homebuilt and Sport Helicopters of New Zealand - Innovator Mosquito XEs

In my previous post I detailed the genesis of the Innovator Mosquito Air helicopter, and this lead on to the Mosquito XE model which was essentially the same but with a lightweight cabin.  The helicopter kits and factory finished helicopters are now manufactured by Composite FX of Trenton in Florida and the have expanded the models to include the XEL (a lightweight model on floats to take advantage of the higher MAUW allowed under FAA Part 103 for floatplanes), the XE with the Zanzoterra MZ 202 engine of 64 HP, the XE 290 which has an 800 cc CFX 800 engine of 90 HP and has a higher MAUW of 720 pounds (362 Kg) and the XET which is turbine powered with a Solar T62-T2A which produces 95 HP continuous.

The specifications for the XE are:  length 16 feet (4.87 metres) and the rotor diameter is 19 feet 6 inches (5.94 metres).  The empty weight is around 298 pounds (135 kg) and the MAUW in New Zealand is 530 pounds (240 Kg).  With the Zanzoterra MZ 202 engine (that is now manufactured in China) the maximum speed is 80 mph (69 knots).

We have had five Mosquito XE helicopters registered in New Zealand to date, as follows:

Our fist Mosquito XE ZK-IXE (c/n MXE 1043107) was registered to Blair E Hollands of North Shore on 17/4/09.  Blair Hollands was the Mosquito agent at the time I think.  It is photo'd above at Parakai on 1/3/09 before it was officially registered (It did not fly at that time).  It was sold to Brett M Oswald of Whakatane on 20/3/12.

It was then quickly sold to the South Island, to Peter R Boocock of Rangiora, on 3/7/12.  It suffered an accident in January 2013 at the Okuku River but it was rebuilt, as evidenced by this recent photo from Trade Me.

Oskar Stielau is a rotary wing enthusiast as I have detailed with his previous Mosquito Air ZK-HNG6 that has become ZK-IAB2.  He also built and flew the Gyrobee gyrocopter ZK-RDA and this Mosquito XE ZK-IOS (c/n 1062) that he registered on 25/8/09.  It is photo'd above and below at the 2009 Black Sands flyin at Raglan on 7/11/09.

It was sold to Robert Sullivan of Auckland on 14/6/10 but it was cancelled on 31/10/13 when its registration was revoked.

ZK-HWV4 (c/n MXE 1212L128) was built in Australia and registered VH-NIT4 to Beverly Dickson Hall of Coot Farm, Narrikip, WA on 24/4/14.  Its Australian registration was cancelled on 2/9/15 for export to New Zealand.  It was registered ZK-HWV4 to Harry Devonish of Christchurch on 14/9/15.  It was sold to Bruce Stevenson of Warkworth on 20/2/20 and he flew it regularly as in the above photo at Kaipara Flats on 5/12/20 and the photo below on arrival at the Northern Aviators Club Christmas BBQ at Springhill on 11/12/21.

On 6/1/22 it was sold to Jordan N Sansom of Kaiangaroa in the Chatham Islands so we might not see many more photos of it.

ZK-IXI (c/n MXE 1229113B) was built by Gary Bodley of Hamilton and it was registered to him on 18/4/18.  It is photo'd above and below at the 2020 Black Sands at Te Kowhai flyin on 14/11/20.

Joe Veza's as yet unregistered Mosquito XE at Kaipara Flats on 29/4/21 with Bruce Stevenson flying ZK-HWV4 in the background.  Joe has built a very fancy trailer to transport his helicopter.

Our final Mosquito XE helicopter to date is ZK-IBO (c.n MXE 1326A18B) which was built by Joe Veza of Red Beach and was registered to him on 9/6/21.  It is powered by a 2 cylinder 2 stroke 65HP Hirth engine.  ZK-IBO has test flown and it is currently for sale.  Thanks for the photo Joe.

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