Thursday 25 November 2010

Caravaning to Central Otago

No, I'm not referring to Blue Bus and her owner's sojourn of the South Island, but the departure from Timaru for Jardines 25Nov of Cessna 208B Caravan ZK-KPH/2

At Timaru 25Nov, Simon Brown photo

The arrival of ZK-KPH brings the NZ Caravan population to 9 aircraft:
Cessna 208
ZK-PDM (Sounds Air)
ZK-PMT (Skydive Tandem, Methven)
ZK-SKB (Air Milford 2000)
ZK-TZR (Sounds Air)

Cessna 208B
ZK-KPH (Skydive Queenstown)
ZK-MJL (Salt Air)
ZK-MYH (Air 2 There)
ZK-SAA (Sounds Air however on 'sabatical' in Northern Territories and northern Western Australia)
ZK-SRI (Air Safaris)


  1. So would this Caravan be much more faster than the other Caravans in the country?

  2. Hi QW

    Perhap faster in the cruise. It will most certainly be faster in the climb which is the main reason for its conversion to a parachute platform.

  3. More load, less takeoff distance, faster cruise, reduced time to climb - the general benefits of a bigger engine. Another major is TBO is extended hugely. A couple of the standard 208s in NZ have the 750shp engine on them which do very well performance wise too.
