Today (and tomorrow) Ardmore is hosting the Pilot Expo A brief visit prior to the commencement of trade netted a number of "new" aircraft for this author and they are included below.
First up was the arrival of Wanganui based Piper PA28-140 ZK-EFP which briefly visited the light aircraft park. Also in the light aircraft park were a number of aircraft including (in no particular order), Cessna 172 ZK-TOR, Piper PA38 ZK-WAB, Glasair Sportsman ZK-SPO, Cessna 172A ZK-WPO, Rutan Varieze ZK-PND, Piper PA28 ZK-FRL, Cessna 150 ZK-DOB, Sportscruiser ZK-CSR, Glasair III ZK-MKP, Europa ZK-ZEB, Cessna 172 ZK-SID and Cessna R172K ZK-YAT.
Parked in the main display area for the pilot expo centered around Dennis Thompson International were the following, again in no particular order.
Dyn Aero Micro ZK-WIK, Autogyro Eagle ZK-RSL and Celier Xenon ZK-XJE, Citation 501 N800DT was partly hangered, Beech G58 Baron N146WA, Cessna 421C ZK-STV, Cirrus SR22 ZK-STU, Tecnam Bravo ZK-STT, Nord 1002 ZK-WFI, Cessna 172S ZK-JSD and ZK-JRE, Cessna 182T ZK-JSL, Cessna 210 ZK-ETI, Robinson R22 ZK-HAS and ZK-HEB, Cirrus SR20 ZK-CJW, Sportscruiser ZK-DAR, Flight Design CTLS ZK-FDA and ZK-FDB, Roko Aero NG-4ML ZK-SAY, Europa ZK-OPA, Remos G3NZ ZK-PRH and Zenith 601 ZK-ZXZ.
Also parked on the field was Cessna 182P ZK-CGD, Cessna 180 ZK-MDL, Beech 60 Duke N60TE and Yak 52 ZK-YKA while Ardmore Flying School's most recent addition, Cessna 172R ZK-TAX/2 (ex ZK-JRH) was on their apron.
North Shore based Beech G58 Baron N146WA (parked outside Hawker Pacific)
Waikato based Cirrus SR20 ZK-CJW/4 (ferry flight arrived Auckland 10Feb)
Sportscruiser ZK-DAR. The 2nd of its type at Ardmore today was parked in the light aircraft park.
Piper PA28 ZK-EFP, ex ZK-DUZ
I first photographed this aircraft back in December 1987 at Hokitika!

Stoddard Hamilton Glasair III ZK-MKP from Whitianga

"Space, the Final Frontier!" Well, that's where it should belong. Waihi Beach based Varieze ZK-PND.

Taupo's Sid Lane has recently flown around the country in this machine. Google his name for newspaper articles on his journey.

Check out those winglets! Aero NG-4ML ZK-SAY.

Is that a "Blue Bus" I see lurking over yonder of Sportsman ZK-SPO? I think it just might be!

Tecnam 2002 ZK-STT, very smart scheme in fitting with the operator's Cirrus ZK-STU (below) and Cessna 421 ZK-STV.

ZK-STU/3 replaced another SR22 that had the same rego and was exported to Australia.
Mighty flingwing, Xenon ZK-XJE.
Looking at the CAA website, it would appear this aircraft underwent a scheme change during the third quarter of last year.
Last but not least, Europa ZK-ZEB.