Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Rag Doll. Minicab ZK-EEF

 Following on from Sir Minty's fine postings on the Minicabs Nick Furmage has sent in a selection of photographs of Minicab ZK-EEF.

It is currently Aerovee powered. This is about to change to a 80hp Jabiru engine.


  1. Thanks for the photos of ZK-EEF Nick. It would be great if we could start a trend whereby others can post their photos of Minicabs or other aircraft as a follow up to my posts on Sport Aircraft of New Zealand

  2. Nice Pics, really the plane seems confortable. I'd settle for this:

  3. EEF is still currnt and will be back into it in the next few months all going well. We have decided to keep the Aerovee with a bing Carb looks to be a good combination.

  4. Also in comparison the Minicab has way more room the Jodel D11 I have measured both exactly the same but the Minicab has the sides slightly scalloped which gives the extra room

  5. Also in comparison the Minicab has way more room the Jodel D11 I have measured both exactly the same but the Minicab has the sides slightly scalloped which gives the extra room
