Saturday, 17 November 2012

A brief meteorological interlude

At last - a good old front - just like we used to get before the War - advancing over Christchurch at about 1800 hours this evening. A bout of thunder and lightning yet to arrive.
I can hear Beethoven's 6th pounding away in my mind as the little roll cloud scurries behind the trees.


  1. Music aeroplanes and weather a great mix ,
    Quote .the earth is but one country and mankind its citizens ,
    The Pastoral" so apt. Remember once cruising around cu s thinking about Saint-Saens no 3
    a great mix of nature and music

  2. I was sailing in this at 2pm in Timaru. It sure came down in buckets.

    It did not look too bad but after it crosses the hills she vented her fury.
