Sunday, 14 June 2009

Finals for Rnwy 16 Wellington

One from the bottom of the olde shoe box (especially for Rodney - eat your heart out !).
August 1963 the Wellington Aero Club had three Piper Cubs ZK-BTV, BQN and BSK (Red, blue and green if I remember correctly) plus the lovely Cessna 172 ZK-BWW. Oh & don't forget the little Cessna 150 ZK-BWI.
Here I am in the back seat of one of the Cubs about to take some serious interest in the proceedings (right hand near stick, left hand close to the noise generating lever: and feet not too far away from the pedals) [& probably sitting higher in the seat].
More from the dreaded shoe box soon.


  1. I would imagine that a Cub in the gentle Wellington breezes would have been a real handful.

  2. awesome pic - thanks

  3. Yep.
    These were the days when you could call up and get somebody from the Club to wander out to the runway and grab your wing tips and guide you back to the club, or into the CAA hangar if the wind was extra wild.
