Thursday 7 August 2008

Exported ZK-PCJ.

Cessna 182R Skylane II , ZK-DRB/2, c/n 67730, was built as N5459N for delivery to Australia where it became VH-MDQ on 03-09-1981 for J Bonar at Runaway Bay, Queensland. Ownership moved to S W O'Brien of Labrador, Q, on 16-10-1988.
This registration was cancelled on 24-01-1995 for it to take up the personalised (initials) marking of ZK-DRB/2 the following day for David Ross Black of Mosgiel. On 30-06-2004 ownership transferred to Peter Christopher Johnston of Milton (David Black having the later model 182T ZK-DRB/3 c/n 81365 about due). On the same day it was re-registered to the new owners initial as ZK-PCJ.
After recent listing with Southern Aircraft Sales it was sold offshore and departed NZ through Kerikeri on 05-07-2008 for Norfolk Island. The next day it moved through Lord Howe island and on to Kempsey.
The ZK registration was cancelled on 11-07-08. It is now located at Tipperary Station some 180km south of Darwn in the northern Territories and was registered as VH-TPT on 29-07-08 to Branir Pty Ltd.

These two rather poor photos are the result of re-photographing the originals in artificial lighting.
ZK-DRB was caught at Christchurch on 17-02-2002 and ZK-PCJ was at Ashburton on 05-02-05.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, this aircraft ferried across the Tasman minus the ZK prefix added which is kind of strange!
