Ryan flew into Pukaki in the John Baynes Team Rocket F1 Rocket ZK-FIZ2 (c/n 173).
Below is what NZ Aviation News said about this aircraft when it first appeared on the register in April last year.
"The Team Rocket ZK-FIZ2
was the last available F1 Rocket kit marketed by Team Rocket from Texas, who’s
boss Mark Frederick operates Frederick Custom Airframe, which specialised in
the past in building and support for Vans RV & Harman Rocket builders. The F1
Rocket has evolved from the Vans RV4 via the Harmon Rocket. Changes include a
longer and wider fuselage, shorter and stronger wings and the installation of a
Lycoming IO-540 engine and a three bladed Hartzell propeller. The instrument
panel has an Advanced Flight Systems 3500 glass cockpit linked to an AvMap EKP
IV GPS, and Becker radios. Although closely resembling the Harmon Rocket, the
F1 Rocket is a purpose built kit built for Team Rocket by a firm in the Czech
Republic incorporating some subtle differences. Most noteworthy is the
interchangeable wing option of either the straight RV4 style (like the Harmon
Rocket) or the Czech tapered wing with built in twist and fowler flaps. This is
known as the EVO and is the wing fitted to ZK-FIZ. This was a quick build kit
with extensive work being done in Texas before its arrival in NZ. Final
assembly was by the team at Gore under the eagle eye of Peter Kempthorne. Test
pilot is to be Ryan Southam from Mandeville. John already has the Vans RV4
ZK-RVZ and the Tiger Moth ZK-BAH, so it was a natural upward step to the F1
Rocket. The aircraft is stressed for +6 and -3g and has a top speed of around
190kts and climb rate in excess of 3000ft/min. So the registration reflects the
F1 name and its peppy performance = FIZ".
Near the other end of the performance scale is the Australian Aircraft Hornet STOL
ZK-JCM (c/n 023) over from Wanaka with Ian Galloway.
Locally based is the Rans S-6ES Coyote 11
ZK-KOT (c/n 06081887-ES) as listed to James Leslie on 01-03-2012.
Two Alpi Aviation Pioneer's - Above the 200
ZK-LPB (c/n NZ20013, and previously ZK-LPS) of Graham Smith from Timaru.
Below is the 300
ZK-MIH2 (c/n 88, and previously ZK-LPT) of Murray Hagen from Te Anau.