Friday, 28 February 2025

Some heavier aircraft at Christchurch 28-02-2025

 Parked up following its early morning arrival from Auckland was the Boeing 737-4Y) ZK-FXM2 c/n 25184 as listed with Airwork Flight Operations Ltd.
This first flew on 12-02-1992 from Boeing Renton for service in Turkey as TC-JDH. It returned to the USA in May 2013 to become N287AL, then to Ireland as EI-STG with Air Contracts from 18-12-2013. A few days later it joined the French register as F-GIXU for Europe Airpost (TNT Express). In February 2015 it became OE-IAF for Fedex/ TNT Express, then back to France as F-GIXU in late January of 2019. 
It arrived in to Auckland on 08-04-2022 to become ZK-FXM from the 21st.

Also having a break from its Christchurch to McMurdo and return runs was the (Moose) Boeing C-17A Globemaster III 10-0220 c/n P220.

In from, and soon to depart back to San Francisco was the Boeing 787-9 N24976 c/n 66135 of United Airlines.

And just arriving in from Hong Cong was the Airbus A350-1041 B-LXE c/n 225 of Cathay Pacific.
This was first flown as F-WZNL on 09-10-2018.

Seasprite at Christchurch on Monday the 24th.

 This Kaman SH-2G Seasprite was noted at Christchurch International on Monday the 24th by Tony McFarlin. It is based on the RNZN Canterbury which was berthed at Lyttelton.

NZ3617 is c/n 225 and was manufactured for the US Navy and carried the serial 161914 and served with then from 14-03-1986 through to 14-01-1994.
It was placed immediately into storage at AMARC until being returned to Kaman Aerospace at Bloomfield, Connecticut on 08-10-1998 for rebuild to SH-2G (A). 
This was a Royal Australian Navy project. It was allocated the RAN serial of N29-161914 and coded as number 848. 
The RAN was not impressed with the product and cancelled this project in March 2008 and this helicopter, and others, were returned to Kaman Aerospace.
New Zealand stepped up and acquired several and after modifications they were flown initially on the US civil register before deliver to NZ.
C/n 225 became N523KM on 27-03-2014 for test flying and was cancelled on 14-05-2015 to become NZ3617 in July of 2015.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Skywork Squirrel ZK-HEE/5 at Kaipara Flats Early Evening 24-2-2025

It was a perfect evening for flying yesterday so I headed on out to the airfield to prep Honey Bebe for a flight.  Skywork's Squirrel AS 350 B3 ZK-HEE5 was carrying out what I suppose was pilot training, at one stage flying slowly backwards down the whole length of the strip which I thought was pretty neat.  Just as well it is a quiet country airstrip!  He was hovering around for quite some time and I wouldn't take off through his rotor wash, but just as I was ready to start around 6.45pm he departed:

A long shot of ZK-HEE5 with low sun reflections.

On my way back home I flew by the Skywork base, just North of Warkworth, but they had gone home.

And a shot of Scotts Landing (near the Mahurangi River Mouth) with lots of moored boats, from 700 feet.  It was absolutely smooth up there.  You can click once or twice to enlarge the photo if you want to.

Monday, 24 February 2025

A Few Other GMC Departures from Kaipara Flats on 22-2-2025

After morning tea and a look around some of the hangars at Kaipara Flats (including catching up with progress on Arjen Visser's Sling 4 TSi which is at the painting stage), the GMC guys held a briefing and headed off to Dargaville for lunch with the fastest aircraft leaving first so that they didn't all arrive at Dargaville together (ZK-NIX had already headed off).  Here are a few of the departures:

Martin Henton in his Bristell ZK-NGO2

Larry Spicer in his Flight Design CTLS ZK-FDB2

and Noel Bailey in his SG Aviation Storm 300 ZK-ULT.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Ellipse Spirit ZK-NIX at Kaipara Flats Yesterday 22-2-2025

The Northern Aviators Club hosted a reciprocal visit from The Gordonton Microlight Club yesterday when ten of their aircraft called into Kaipara Flats for a pikelets with jam and cream morning tea.  altogether there were 20 visiting aircraft on the feild with others coming from Whangarei and North Shore.  Nick Buxeda flew in in his new Ellipse Spirit:

This was the first time I had seen ZK-NIX and it looked really nice.  One point of difference is the elliptical wing planform (like a Spitfire) that you can see in the shadow in this photo.

A spectacular line up.  Shark, Bristell, Tecnam Bravo and Ellipse Spirit.  We are talking microlights here!

I only just made this photo of ZK-NIX as it departed for lunch at Dargaville, as it was pretty fast.

We have covered this aircraft previously on the blog with some background and specs and you can see that post HERE  Nick is also the New Zealand agent for Ellipse Aircraft and he has a website at

Cessan 172RG Cutlass RG II ZK-NBC 2

Not featured on this blog before with this registration is the Cessna 172RG ZK-NBC2 which visited Pauanui airfield this morning.   Originally imported from Australia in 1993 for the Air New Zealand Flying Club at Christchurch as ZK-NAC2,  it was reregistered NBC2 in mid 2020.   Late 2024 saw it change ownership to the Omaha Landing Syndicate,  Warkworth.


Saturday, 22 February 2025

The Moth turns 100 today!

The DH60 Moth took to the air for the first time at Stag Lane airfield on 22nd February 1925, 100 years ago today.
NZ Warbirds organised a small gathering at Ardmore today to clebrate the event.

It was great to see NZ's only active DH60 Moth, ZK-ADT, up from Hastings to join in.

While there were several other examples of DH aircraft also on outside display, the only Tiger Moth to take to the air while I was there was ZK-AKC, a fairly recent arrival from Dunedin.

Pukekohe Wings & Wheels 1970s

 Two Cessna twin engine aircraft doing their bombing run at a Pukekohe Wings & Wheels event.
I would put the date as March of 1977.
(I could well be erroneous on that date)
The nearest aircraft is Cessna 414 ZK-KSW c/n 414-0454 which had been test flown in the USA as N1661T and ferried to Bankstown, Australia, and became VH-THBon 29-05-1974.
I first noted it in NZ in July 1976 before it became ZK-KSW on 25-08-76 for Wright Machinery Ltd of Penrose.
Dennis Thompson International Ltd moved it offshore on 19-11-1979 when it was ferried through Norfolk Island back to Australia. Its NZ registration was cancelled on 22-11-1979 for it to pick up its old registration of VH-THB2 on 13-12-1979. 
By mid 1994 it was in Singapore as 9M-BAR and then it went to Canada as C-GTMJ from 15-10-1999.

The second aircraft is the Cessna 340 ZK-DSD c/n 340-0251.
This was tested in the US and flown to NZ as N69429, reaching Ardmore on 09-03-1974 and became ZK-DSD on 29-04-1974 to W D Bremner Ltd who traded as the Bremworth Carpets Manufacturing Co.
It was exported and went back to the States, was cancelled from the NZ register on 09-04-1980 and became N123KK on 11-04-1980. It was written of in December 2016.

Another long lived Tiger Moth. ZK-ARJ

  De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth c/n 3357 ZK-ARJ

De Havilland DH82A Tiger Moth c/n 3357 was built at Hadfield in the UK and became G-ADLU for The London Aeroplane Club on 29-07-1935 and was based just across the airfield at Hatfield and was given the Club number 4.

Its UK registration was cancelled 25-01-1940 and it was shipped to New Zealand to become NZ735 with the Royal New Zealand Air Force and served from 12-07-1940 to 22-01-1948 initially allocated to Unit 18 at Rongotai on 12-07-1940 and also served with No 3 Elementary Flying School - Number "31" 1941 to 1944 at Harewood.

It is known to have had four accidents whilst in RNZAF service

NZ735 at Harewood.

Following its military service it was allocated to the South Canterbury Aero Club at Timaru from 20-02-1948 as a Government Gift Aircraft.

Its NZ Certificate of Airworthiness issued on 25-03-1948 as ZK-ARJ.

ZK-ARJ taken in the late 1940's with Canterbury Aero Club titles on the engine cowl.

The Club sold it to Southland Aerial Fertiliser Company from 24-07-1950.

Incidents during its agricultural career include hitting a fence and then a house at Ohai on 24-04-51, and about a year later on 13-04-1952 it had a power loss due to water in the fuel on 13-04-1952 at Pukemaori, followed by an Engine failure on take off at Mount Linton Station on 25-11-1953.

Early 1950s at Mossburn.
Early 1950s at Mossburn.
Early 1950s at Mossburn.

     A company name change to Hewett Aviation Ltd had ZK-ARJ registered to them from 26-04-1954.      It was damaged on take off at Teviot on 07-04-1955, and it had an engine failure on approach to Orawia on 18-04-1956.

The Hokitika Aero Club at Hokitika took it over from 21-11-1957. 
During a storm on 24-02-1958 it was damaged in a hangar collapse, followed by an undercarriage collapse after an intentional bounce during an air show at Hokitika on 11-12-1960.
Photo circa 1961.

Then we see it listed to John Mathewson at Kokonga from 13-06-1961.ZK-ARJ at Kokonga in 1961 with a different rudder colour scheme, or is that just the light reflecting ?

The Wigram Gliding Club at RNZAF Base Wigram listed it from 30-01-1962. 
It was involved in an incident which damaged the Slingsby T.31B ZK-GAC on the ground at Wigram on 21-11-1964. It gained yet another paint scheme with the "Wiggies".
There were two gliding clubs operating out of Wigram. The Wigram Aviation Sports Club (mainly RNZAF members - and later becoming the Wigram Gliding Club) and the Canterbury Gliding Club (civilian) who referred to the Air Force members as 'The Wiggies'.

Photo at Frankton (Queenstown) early in1964.
Are we setting up here for a dual glider aero tow ?

The Wigram Gliding Club purchased the Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub ZK-BTF in August 1986 with Tiger ZK-ARJ becoming surplus.
Then several RNZAF flying instructors formed the Tiger Syndicate at Wigram and acquired ZK-ARJ for 250 Pounds from 14-10-1966. 

The members of this syndicate were C F L Jenks and I W Collins (the two major shareholders) and G W Race, P D Smillie, G C Trethewey, R E Henstock and R L Ewing; with J S Hosie and G Thompson later replacing original members posted to other RNZAF stations.

ZK-ARJ at Wigram on 30-10-1966 with Carolyn, Nana and Grandad Jenks.

Landing at Wigram late 1966.

With permission from the RNZAF this civilian owned and operated aircraft was painted in its full RNZAF scheme in October 1967 pending the 50th anniversary of flying from Wigram - with the proviso that the roundels be removed after the event.
A small ZK-ARJ civil registration was included at the top of its fin. 

Does this make ZK-ARJ NZ's first 'warbird' ?
At Wigram in October or November of 1967.

At Wigram 05-11-1967 during the 50th Anniversary event.
On 05-11-1967 at Wigram.

But within a short time the syndicate were 'instructed' to remove the roundels.

Photo below at Wigram shortly after following orders.The Tiger Moth was sold to Dudley G Waters at Taieri from 22-11-1967 to replace his Damaged Tiger ZK-AZY.

ZK-ARJ at Frankton. Date uncertain.

At Frankton January 1968.

The photo below I took at Taieri in March of 1968

ZK-ARJ was damaged while taxying at Taieri when it struck the airfield mower on 03-01-1969. 

This photo of ZK-ARJ is dated 09-03-1968 and taken at Alexandra from Bob Kerr.
Authors note :
The year 1969 would suite me better for Bob's photo above and I suggest that it is in the Dalhoff & King hangar at Momona (not Alexandra).
The small ZK-ARF registration is still on top of fin !

Below. Another shot at Frankton. 
Date uncertain. But note the small ZK-ARJ registration that had previously been at the top of the fin is now missing. (suggesting post rebuild).

Ivan A T Strathern of Hamilton acquired it from 04-11-1971.

                                                          As noted at Ardmore on 07-09-1974.

At Ardmore 07-01-1976.

It was noted still in a dismantled state at Ardmore in 1976 ? with an ownership change to Cliff N Bellingham of Waiuku from 20-03-1979 with whom it was restored, I believe using parts of ZK-AZY, and flew again on 16-05-1981.

Interestingly the Tiger Moth ZK-ALX was restored around the same time and appeared in an identical colour scheme to ZK-ARJ apart from the registration on the rudder and a Tiger cartoon on the cowl of ALX.

Photo below shows ZK-AIA and ZK-ARJ at Ardmore on 20-03-1982.Note the green wing struts and fuel tank of ZK-ARJ.

I have heard it said that Cliff got a 44 gallon drum of Epiglass Reaction lacquer that had been mis-tinted and made good use of it.

At Masterton 29-01-1984

And at Hawera 26-01-1986.

   From 12-09-1986 it was in the care of G P Lock & A G R Leuschke, Auckland and then moved on to P E Carpenter of Auckland from 21-07-1988.
The ARJ Syndicate of Takapuna reared its head again, with John Greville, taking ownership of ZK-ARJ from 24-07-1989. 
At Ardmore November of 1989.

Until the ex Mayor of Hamilton Russ Rimmington placed it into the Rimmington Family Trust from 13-08-1992.   At Foxpine 25-02-1996.

At Tamahere 11-04-2014

ARJ (Allister R Jenks) with ARJ 19-07-2019 at Tamahere.

ZK-ARJ is still current today.


One of the main players in the history of ZK-ARJ is Cliff F L Jenks who began his connection to this Tiger Moth at Wigram in October of 1966.
Cliff has a son named Allister who also has a significant connection to this Tiger Moth.

Allister has a web site which explains his story.

Below I have taken a large extract from this site.


Why is Allister's site branded as “ZKARJ”?

Well, because ZK-ARJ is the registration of a particular New Zealand-based De Havilland Tiger Moth which has a special significance for me.

You can read all about the history of Tiger Moths in New Zealand in the book New Zealand Tiger Moths, 1938 to 2000 by Cliff Jenks and David Phillips and published by The Aviation Historical Society of New Zealand.

Below is a story adapted from the book with the kind permission of the AHSNZ. It is a little long, even in this abridged form, but ZK-ARJ’s story is a long and interesting one and a taste of most aspects of Tiger Moth history in New Zealand. 


Tiger Moth serial number 3357 was produced at the new De Havilland factory at Hatfield in mid-1935, the 183rd production DH.82A. On 29 July 1935, it was registered as G-ADLU to the London Aeroplane Club.

In late 1939 or early 1940, together with seven other London Aeroplane Club machines, ADLU was shipped to New Zealand for the RNZAF. On 12 July 1940, No 3357 was brought on RNZAF charge at Rongotai, being assigned the serial number NZ735.

The other seven ex London Aeroplane Club were :-
c/n 3749 which was G-AFJL, then NZ730 and ZK-ALT.
c/n 3223 which was G-ACSK, then NZ731 and ZK-ASS.
c/n 3426 which was G-ADUK, then NZ732.
c/n 3737 which was G-AFJI, the NZ733.
c/n 3722 which was G-AFJF, then NZ734 and ZK-ALL.
c/n 82185 which was G-AFNL, then NZ736.
c/n 3226 which was G-ACWB, then NZ737 and ZK-APM.

It is likely that NZ735 served at Harewood from the outset of its military career, being in use there up to at least October 1944. On 22 January 1948, the Tiger Moth was issued, free of charge, to the South Canterbury Aero Club.

The South Canterbury Aero Club, based at Timaru, registered the aircraft on 20 February 1948 as ZK-ARJ. No 3357 had settled down to a civilian career again, and pleasure flying and the inevitable pilot training were the order of the day.

ZK-ARJ was also used as a glider tug, pioneered rabbit poisoning, and carried out aerial photography of local farms. It was also contracted under the ATC cadet scheme to give subsidised flying instruction to cadets.

On 30 June 1950, when ZK-ARJ’s Certificate of Airworthiness was to expire, the Club decided to reduce its fleet – at a time when Tiger Moths were being sought after for the embryonic topdressing industry. ZK-ARJ was the aircraft chosen to be sold.

From 24 July 1950, the aircraft was registered to Southland Aerial Fertilisers Ltd. Meanwhile, a hopper was fitted to ZK-ARJ at Rongotai and the Certificate of Airworthiness was amended to reflect the new role; No 3357 was about to embark on the most testing period of her eventful life.

Southland Aerial Fertilisers owner C.W. (Bill) Hewett, a well-known pilot in Otago and Southland, began operations with ARJ at Lorna Gorge, between Winton and Gore, on 19 July 1950. That first day he sowed 20 tons of fertiliser – the first commercial aerial topdressing in Otago. The topdressing industry was perhaps even harder on Tiger Moths than ab initio pilot training, and during this period ARJ suffered six accidents including engine failures and collisions with ground obstructions, often one the result of the other. Nevertheless, ZK-ARJ soldiered on.

By 1956, many firms had begun to replace Tiger Moths with more modern types. So the decision to retire ZK-ARJ was taken, and it was back to aero club pastures again.

The new owners were the Hokitika Aero Club, with ZK-ARJ being their first – and only – aircraft. The transaction taking place about August or September 1957.

Life on the West Coast was a far cry from lugging loads of super around the deep south, and ZK-ARJ once more settled into the round of training and pleasure flights.

On 13 June 1961 ZK-ARJ was sold to the ”Mathewson Brothers” of ”Taieriside”, Kokonga, Central Otago. Here, ZK-ARJ was used simply for private flying around the farm, but such gentle pursuits were not to last long, and new fields were waiting to be conquered.

In 1962 the recently formed Wigram Gliding Club were looking for an aircraft to tow their gliders aloft, and ZK-ARJ’s ’for sale’ status came to their attention. On 30 January 1962, No 3357 embarked on a new phase of her career. The Wigram Club made good use of ZK-ARJ, but eventually purchased a Piper Super Cub ZK-BTF and ZK-ARJ’s gliding club days were about to close.

Languishing in the corner of the Club’s hangar, ZK-ARJ caught the eye of a couple of visiting RNZAF flying instructors and the seeds were sown for the formation of the Tiger Syndicate; ownership was transferred on 14 October 1966.

The Tiger Syndicate comprised eight instructors from the RNZAF’s Pilot Training Squadron at Wigram who, during the week, trained RNZAF student pilots. ZK-ARJ was thus largely a weekend-only machine. Still based at Wigram, ZK-ARJ was now frequently involved in giving rides to friends and families of the Syndicate members, not to mention standing in for Santa Claus’s sleigh on his annual visit to Wigram.

On 5 November 1967, a pageant was held at Wigram to commemorate 50 years of flying from the airfield. One of the items was the Rothmans Vintage Air Race, and the Syndicate entered ZK-ARJ; it came in a creditable third to Gipsy Moth ZK-AEJ and Tiger Moth ZK-BRM. The same day, negotiations for the sale of ZK-ARJ began, the Syndicate finding it more and more difficult to operate as routine postings of its RNZAF members occurred. The sale took place three weeks later.

The new owners were another syndicate, comprising Messrs D.G. Waters and A.J.L. MacDonald. Based at Taieri, ZK-ARJ now became a maid of all work. Glider towing again became a major task. The owners were also keen outdoor men, and ZK-ARJ flew into many of the small strips and paddocks throughout Otago, Southland, Westland and Fiordland. Mr MacDonald ran a construction business, and he often used ZK-ARJ, ”loaded to the brim”, to fly into remote building sites.

While based at Taieri, ZK-ARJ suffered one of its most serious accidents since its topdressing days. While taxiing for takeoff, ZK-ARJ collided with a tractor that was pulling the grass mowers on the airfield. The tractor driver was slightly injured and – according to the records of the Office of Air Accident Investigation – ZK-ARJ was written off. In fact, the damage was not so major as to cut short the career of such an old campaigner as No 3357.

The damaged aircraft was sold to Mr I.A.T. Strathern of Hamilton on 4 November 1971. Mr Strathern apparently purchased ZK-ARJ under insurance arrangements, and for some years the Tiger Moth lay derelict, first out in the open, later in a dismantled condition in the back of a hangar at Ardmore.

In 1979, two owners appeared who were to breathe life back into one of New Zealand’s most interesting Tiger Moths and to set it on possibly its final (and, to be hoped, longest) New Zealand chapter.

Mr C.N. and Mrs C.J.Bellingham of Waiuku became the registered owners on 20 March 1979, and the restoration of ZK-ARJ to airworthy status got underway at the Bellingham’s farm. When the farm was sold, the rebuild was held up for a year while a hangar was constructed at the new property at Patumahoe. The fuselage was moved into a bedroom in the new farmhouse, where work on it could continue pending completion of the hangar.

At the beginning of 1981, the Bellingham’s learned of the fly-in at Hastings, planned for Queen’s Birthday weekend that year, to mark the Tiger Moth’s 50th anniversary year. With this incentive, the rebuild was speeded up, and Cliff Bellingham test flew ZK-ARJ on 16 May. With a couple of weeks for the bugs to be sorted out, ZK-ARJ made it to Hastings, where it was the oldest Tiger Moth present and the only one of prewar vintage.

ZK-ARJ led a sedate life with the Bellinghams, flying only about 200 hours over the next five and a half years, but in that same period twice picking up the Tiger Club’s annual ”Most Magnificent Moth” award.

Then began a succession of private owners; On 1 August 1986, ZK-ARJ was sold to two Auckland businessmen, Messrs A.G.R. Leuschke and G.P. Lock. Nearly two years later, on 21 July 1988, ownership passed to P.E. Carpenter, also of Auckland. He and Captain Norm Bartle set up a joy-riding operation, using ARJ based out of Ardmore. The venture with ZK-ARJ did not last long, for just over a year later, on 24 July 1989, it was registered in the name of the ”Tiger A R J Syndicate”, of whom John Greville was a member. ZK-ARJ was still based in Auckland.

This flitting around like a moth ceased when, on 13 August 1992, ZK-ARJ was registered to the Rimmington Family Trust, and ARJ moved to Hamilton. Earlier in 1992, Russ Rimmington – who was not a pilot – met a flying instructor who extolled the virtues of Tiger Moths. The disease took hold, and Russ soon afterwards purchased ZK-ARJ and learned to fly in it. Since then he has used it to travel extensively around New Zealand. Russ was a member of the New Zealand National Fielday Society and ZK-ARJ has appeared at opening ceremonies. Russ Rimmington was elected Mayor of Hamilton in October 1998. He has a dairy farm at Tamahere, just south of Hamilton, and the farm now includes an aircraft hangar and an airstrip for ARJ.

This profile of just one New Zealand Tiger Moth – which has experienced so much that is typical of the New Zealand Tiger Moth story – now comes to a close. But while this story closes, ZK-ARJ’s story does not, and we can but wish Tiger Moth No 3357 many more years of vintage aviating into the 21st Century.

Cliff Jenks, co-author of the book, is also my father — and a former RNZAF flying instructor and leading member of the Tiger Syndicate. ZK-ARJ was sold by the Tiger Syndicate a little more than a year prior to my birth. The ’J’ was a given, and so my first names were duly matched to the ’A’ and ’R’. Thus was I named Allister Ross Jenks; A.R.J.


Friday, 21 February 2025

Rockwell Commander ZK-PVB

 The Rockwell 690A Turbo Commander ZK-PVB c/n 11321 has been active down south for some days now.

Looks like it is carrying out some sort of coastal survey.
It was snapped this morning at Nelson Airport by Bill Mannix.

 Starting life in the  USA as N81430 in  March of 1976  it moved  quickly  to Australia to become      VH-DLK for various Government departments, mostly in the aerial survey and Aboriginal environment heritage role.
It ferried into Auckland on 09-10-1999 to become ZK-PVB with NZ Aerial Mapping Ltd of Albany from 18-02-2000, the transferred to NZAM Consulting Ltd of Hastings on 17-10-2003 until returning to NZ Aerial Mapping Ltd on 16-05-2005.
Air Chathams Ltd picked it up from 25-02-2016.

Gareth's Southern Odyssey (3)

Continuing with Gareth Arscott's journey South from Twizel and over the Lindis Pass, he came to Wanaka where there were a couple of aircraft that were in different yellow tail colours:

Southern Alp Air Ltd's Gippsland GA 8 Airvan ZK-WMF has acquired a yellow tail and struts,

as has their Cessna U206F ZK-JMS.