What a fabulous day for flying today! Not a cloud in the sky and light winds. I just had to head out to the airfield and on the way around 10 am I was surprised to see an aircraft on a trailer heading into town! So a quick U turn:
It was Arjen Visser's new Sling 4 TSi ZK-DBV2 which was in to have its trim and registration painted on.
Then I headed out to the airfield where I pre flighted Honey Bebe and took off around 10.25 am. I flew my usual track past Warkworth and over Sandspit marina before heading down Snells Beach. )Click once or twice to enlarge the photos if you want).
Shades of silver. Man it was nice up there!
Then I flew out to Takatu Point which is North of the outer coast of Kawau Island into the sun glinting off the sea with Little Barrier and Great Barrier Islands out there.
And this is Takatu Point with the long stretches of Tawharanui and Omaha beaches in the distance.