Wednesday 28 December 2011

From the cockpit 27-12-2011

Yesterday (27-12-2011) I was fortunate to get a back seat ride in the Piper PA-28-181 Archer 111 ZK-LJC over Christchurch City, Lyttelton and the Harbour entrance. The dead grassed areas have been sprayed and are to be re-planted with the new grass that birds dislike.
Above is the view on final approach to Rnwy 02 at Quake City (NZCH).
Above is the view that Andy Heap had yesterday from the Grob G102Club 111b Astir ZK-GNH. He is sneaking along the Robert Ridge, with Lake Rotoiti out and down to the left of picture. A tad more right rudder please Andy.


  1. Check out my new Blog

  2. Been aware of it for some time there Nick.
    How about making the pics bigger !

